90년대 한국 사회를 뒤흔든 그러나 지금은 잊혀진 지존파 사건을 되짚으면서 우리 사회를 들여보게 하는 영화. 지존파에서 출발해 성수대교 붕괴, 삼풍 백화점 붕괴, 5.18 주모자 처벌 문제 등으로 유연하게 흘러가는 영화는 픽션 보다 더 픽션 같은 논픽션 이야기를 품은 한국 사회를 ‘기록’한다. What happened in Korean society in the 1990s? The film starts with the Jijon-pa (Supreme Gangsters) case. The shocking story is narrated through the discussion by the two detectives who arrested the gangsters, of details of the roundup, data screens, and the death sentence. Nevertheless, Nonfiction Diary’s focus is not on the crime story. Starting from Jijon-pa onwards, the film reflects on the 1990s, when Korea digressed into contemporary history. The Seongsu Bridge and the Sampoong Department Store’s collapses are recalled, followed by the then-government’s punishment of the May 18 Uprising leaders, revealing the Korean legal system’s death penalty status, touching on political and power issues. The audience is reminded that today, 2013, is an extension of that same flow. Director Jung Yoonsuk’s Non-fiction Diary “records” the records by summoning forgotten incidents, utilizing interviews and the media’s data screens. This record is a “report”on contemporary society as well as a “record of the remembrance”. (HONG Hyosook) 18th Busan International Film Festival Documentary Competitio
2014年「德国奥斯卡」萝拉奖日前(28日)公布入围名单,其中以入围最佳纪录电影奖项的《苏富比伪画大师》(Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery)最受瞩目。不仅因为该片本月初才在德国上映、获得不俗评价,片中男主角沃夫冈贝特莱奇(Wolfgang Beltracchi)目前正在监狱服刑,使电影更充满了话题。 这部刚入围记录电影奖的《苏富比伪画大师》,内容描述举世无双的伪画高手贝特莱奇的传奇故事。贝特莱奇不仅画技高超,他的伪画甚至能以假乱真,瞒过各方专家、并在苏富比与佳士得拍卖会上得以高价卖出。仅靠着其中几幅伪画,便为他赚进了高达6亿台币的暴利,并让全球艺术品市场蒙受高达10多亿台币天文数字的损失。 2006年时,德国表现派大师坎本唐克(Heinrich Campendonk)的画作《红马肖像》(Red Picture with Horses),于佳士得拍卖会上创下天价拍卖纪录而轰动全世界,但随之更令人震撼的是,该画竟是出自伪画大师贝特莱奇之手,可说是西方艺术界有史以来最大的假画拍卖案。这使得贝特莱奇不仅遭到追查,并被判处必须赔偿过亿台币的金额,甚至连他在法国的房产都遭到查封,还被判了六年的刑期,目前正在狱中服刑…。 此一事件让许多收藏家与画廊大受震撼,纷纷检视手上画作的真伪。「伪画大师」沃夫冈贝特莱奇不仅作品乱真,他甚至还会根据不同大师的风格,创作出不同风格的新作,不仅骗过国际性拍卖会如苏富比和佳士得,就连博物馆也「收藏」了不少他的作品。这位号称「任何名画都难不倒他」的伪画大师传奇故事,被搬上大银幕拍成《苏富比伪画大师》,目前在德国上映风评极佳,上周五更入围了「德国奥斯卡」,预定于今年秋天在台上映。