1947年9月8日,梨园传奇孟小冬的《搜孤救孤》在中国大戏院上演。这是"冬皇"告别舞台的最后公演,在上海引得万人空巷,戏迷不惜重金坐飞机来听戏;戏票价格炒到了十倍依然一票难求,买不到票的戏迷,为了聆听演出实况,将无线电收音机抢到脱销……孟小冬的两场《搜孤救孤》被誉为"广陵绝响",创造了中国京剧史乃至中国戏剧史的奇迹。71年后,有"小冬皇"之美誉的当代京剧大师王珮瑜在同时同地演出同一戏码,从表演、唱念、乐队到舞台呈现,一切一模一样,在场观众无不叫绝,对余派观众是一场圆梦之旅。 暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容 暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容暂无内容纪录电影《京剧搜孤救孤》不仅将镜头聚焦于这一经典京剧剧目在新时代的传承与表演,同时记录与呈现了新时代京剧文化人物王珮瑜的排练和采访画面,还将话筒交给京剧艺术家以及传统文化大师,听他们娓娓道来关于传统戏码、京剧艺术文化场、做戏如做人的艺术态度等精益求精的艺术传承,通过挖掘、恢复、传承、创新传统戏曲艺术,让当代观众乃至后世看到这一跨越时空、丰富多彩的优秀艺术形态。
90년대 한국 사회를 뒤흔든 그러나 지금은 잊혀진 지존파 사건을 되짚으면서 우리 사회를 들여보게 하는 영화. 지존파에서 출발해 성수대교 붕괴, 삼풍 백화점 붕괴, 5.18 주모자 처벌 문제 등으로 유연하게 흘러가는 영화는 픽션 보다 더 픽션 같은 논픽션 이야기를 품은 한국 사회를 ‘기록’한다. What happened in Korean society in the 1990s? The film starts with the Jijon-pa (Supreme Gangsters) case. The shocking story is narrated through the discussion by the two detectives who arrested the gangsters, of details of the roundup, data screens, and the death sentence. Nevertheless, Nonfiction Diary’s focus is not on the crime story. Starting from Jijon-pa onwards, the film reflects on the 1990s, when Korea digressed into contemporary history. The Seongsu Bridge and the Sampoong Department Store’s collapses are recalled, followed by the then-government’s punishment of the May 18 Uprising leaders, revealing the Korean legal system’s death penalty status, touching on political and power issues. The audience is reminded that today, 2013, is an extension of that same flow. Director Jung Yoonsuk’s Non-fiction Diary “records” the records by summoning forgotten incidents, utilizing interviews and the media’s data screens. This record is a “report”on contemporary society as well as a “record of the remembrance”. (HONG Hyosook) 18th Busan International Film Festival Documentary Competitio